CHARLES & KEITH Community Ambassador Terms & Conditions
A social media account shall be considered “public” if it satisfies the following:
i. if it is an Instagram account, it has a least 1,000 followers; ii. if it is a TikTok account, it has at least 5,000 followers; or iii. if it is a YouTube channel, it has an average of 10,000 views per post.
A social media account shall be considered “active” if it has been used in the immediately preceding 30 days to post visible content.
CHARLES & KEITH reserves the right to conduct spot checks to determine the actual reach and rate of activity of your social media account(s).
If your social media account(s) do not meet these requirements, you will not be eligible for membership in CHARLES & KEITH’s ambassador programme, or if you are already a member, CHARLES & KEITH may terminate your membership account immediately without prior notice to you.
Termination CHARLES & KEITH reserves the right to terminate your membership account and/or access to our services immediately, without prior notice, for any violation of these Terms of Service or the Duel Platform Terms of Use, any unauthorized or suspicious activity, or any other reason at CHARLES & KEITH’s discretion.
Multiple Accounts Under 1 Individual The creation of multiple membership accounts by the same individual is not permitted. CHARLES & KEITH may exercise its termination rights under Clause 2 of these Terms of Service in respect of membership accounts which have identical or substantially similar names, billing information, or other identifying details.
Content Creation All content created in connection with CHARLES & KEITH’s ambassador programme must be primarily focused on promoting CHARLES & KEITH’s products and the overall brand experience (such as the ambassador’s online and/or in-store shopping experience). Ambassadors are prohibited from creating any content or crafting any caption with the sole purpose of promoting the Ambassador’s promotional token.
CHARLES & KEITH may ask to remove any content or caption which fails to meet the aforementioned criteria, or which it determines has an excessive focus on promoting the Ambassador’s promotional token without a comparable focus on CHARLES & KEITH’s products or brand experience.
For the avoidance of doubt, this prohibition applies to the creation of any and all content including organic social media posts not created to fulfil any specific challenge on the Duel platform and paid advertisements.
If an Ambassador wishes to do so, he or she must receive prior and express written approval from CHARLES & KEITH by emailing CHARLES & KEITH may exercise discretion in determining whether to grant such approval, and may impose such conditions or other terms of approval as it sees fit.
If an Ambassador's advertisement is approved, the CTA button must direct users exclusively to CHARLES & KEITH’s official website at or the Ambassador’s personal “Direct Message” (DM) inbox(es).
CTAs leading to third-party websites, or any other landing page, are strictly prohibited.
The promotional token must always be shared through content created for CHARLES & KEITH in accordance with Clause 4 of these Terms of Service.
CHARLES & KEITH reserves the right to monitor the usage and publication of promotional tokens. Where CHARLES & KEITH determines that there has been suspected misuse or other abuse of any promotional token, CHARLES & KEITH may impose the following penalty(ies):
First Strike: If a promotional token is identified on an unauthorised platform, the Ambassador will receive an email notification and be assigned a new promotional token. The existing promotional token will be deactivated.
Second Strike: A second occurrence will result in a written warning by email and the Ambassador will be assigned a new promotional token. The existing promotional token will be deactivated.
Third Strike: Three or more occurrences will lead to an immediate termination of the Ambassador’s membership in CHARLES & KEITH’s ambassador programme without prior notice, as well as the forfeiture of any unpaid commissions.
Modifications and Final Decision CHARLES & KEITH reserves the right to modify these Terms of Service from time to time and at its sole discretion. CHARLES & KEITH’s decisions on matters relating to the CHARLES & KEITH Ambassador Programme are final and no appeals will be entertained.
This site runs on the Duel platform under the Duel terms of service and privacy policy